The Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation is located in a mixed-grass prairie of the Northern Great Plains Region. Existing as an ecotone between the tall grass and short grass regions, the mixed-grass prairie is perhaps the most floristically complex of the central grasslands. Although homogenous and monotonous in appearance, grasslands contain a complex mosaic of communities. Many species of game and nongame wildlife, both resident and seasonal migrants, can be enjoyed by both consumptive and noncomsumptive users
Several federally Threatened and Endangered species may be found within the exterior boundaries of the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation. Most are observed during migration periods or occasional infrequent visits. The following is a list of the endangered (E) or threatened (T) species that could be encountered on the Reservation
Threatened and Endangered Species:
Piping plover (T)
Bald Eagle (T)
Interior least tern (E)
Whooping Crane (E)
Gray Wolf (E)
More information regarding threatened and endangered species can be found at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service homepage.
The Cheyenne River Game, Fish and Parks is responsible for the management of all wildlife species on the CRST Reservation. Consequently, when local ranchers and farmers experience depredation problems from local wildlife, GFP is responsible for reducing the conflicts.
Turkeys often concentrate in large numbers in feed lots and are trapped and relocated by GFP personnel.
During extreme winters, such as 1996-1997, deer often concentrate at hay stacks when other food sources become unavailable. GFP does not have funds to reimburse landowners or purchase supplies for exclusion fencing, but will assist individuals in trying to reduce or alleviate the problem.
Other common wildlife damage occurrence come primarily from the result of beaver and coyote activities. Most beaver complaints involve tree damage or flooding. GFP assist in controlling local populations when problems arise, but realizes that beaver play an important role in the prairie ecosystem. A handout for landowners regarding beaver biology and control measures can be obtained at the Eagle Butte GFP office.
Coyote depredation on livestock is addressed by intensive, short term, site specific predator control. Livestock (cattle) and wild ungulates are eaten by coyotes usually as carrion; actual predation is rare. Most ranchers within the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation agree, however, several have legitimate concerns during calving season that are addressed as best as possible by GFP.